Book Launch of Back to Blakeney: Revitalizing the Democratic State
Accepting the Labour Community Service Award from the Saskatoon & District Labour Council and the United Way.
Speaking to the Broadbent Institute's 2015 Progress Summit.
Book Launch of Remaining Loyal: Social Democracy in
Quebec and Saskatchewan
Citizenship Test Preparation Class at the
Saskatoon Open Door Society
Presenting a Paper at Chernivtsi National University,
2011 Saskatchewan Election Telephone Survey
Discussing New Directions in Saskatchewan Public
Policy on Global News
Speaking to SEIU West Convention
What's New
Dr. McGrane’s books won two prestigious awards in 2019. The New NDP: Moderation, Modernization, and Political Marketing was awarded the Donald Smiley Prize awarded by the Canadian Political Science Association given to the best book on Canadian government and politics. Back to Blakeney: Revitalizing the Democratic State was awarded the Jennifer Welsh Prize, which is the Saskatchewan Book Award for best scholarly book. See the publications page for more details.